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High Performing Teams: 14 absolutely mandatory characteristics
by Luis Gonçalves on Jan 13, 2024 6:16:10 AM
High-performing teams - do you, as a manager or executive want better quality, faster response time, higher productivity, greater sensitivity to customers, and improved profitability? People, working together in teams, make this happen.
Many members of high-performing teams report that it’s fun and satisfying to work on collaborative teams because they are asked to contribute at their highest potential and they learn a lot along the way.
Being part of a great team where you love to come to work every morning, a team that charges you up with energy, a team that encourages you to accomplish goals you think are impossible, is a great feeling.
Being on a team where there is constant conflict or disagreement, where you are afraid to speak up or share honest feelings is not an ideal situation.
A team is more than a group of people who work together. A high-performing team is a group of people who share a common vision, goals, and metrics and who collaborate, challenge, and hold each other accountable to achieve outstanding results.
Team Coaching International mentions that the most successful teams have the means to take action and build effective relationships to motivate and sustain that action. They developed The Team Diagnostic™ model that defines seven separate productivity factors and seven positivity factors. This constellation of competencies provides a complete picture for creating high-performing teams.
Positivity Characteristics of High-Performing Teams
Trust- You can speak openly and freely about your team. Team members can count on each other and are reliable.
Respect-The team members are empowered to contribute their best. There is mutual respect and real concern. Characteristics such as contempt and hostility are not accepted.
Camaraderie– Empathy, good humor, and playfulness are appreciated. There is a strong sense of belonging to the team. The team members celebrate and take accomplishments.
Communication– Clear and efficient communication is appreciated. What is not valued are less direct approaches such as gossiping, stonewalling, or politicizing.
Constructive Interaction- Conflict can arise as a means of opportunity for discovery, creativity, and growth. The team should avoid defensiveness, criticism, and finger-pointing. The team should give and receive feedback promptly.
Values Diversity– The team is open-minded and appreciates differences in ideas, perspectives, backgrounds, personalities, and approaches. Diversity is crucial.
Optimism- The team shares an inspiring vision. The team members are enthusiastic and appreciative of each other. There is a strong spirit of fighting together for the goal.
Productivity Characteristics of High-Performing Teams
Team Leadership– There is a strong sense of team leadership. Team members contribute when the need for their leadership happens. The team leader´s role is clear and supportive.
Resources- The team correctly manages available resources and training to meet its objectives. There is an atmosphere of “win-win” rather than “win-loose.”
Decision Making- The team has transparent and efficient decision-making processes, which have proved to be effective.
Proactive- The team takes the initiative. The team is flexible in addressing opportunities, and responding positively and creatively. Change is a core aspect of the team, but it is crucial for the rest of the organization too.
Accountability-There is clarity of roles and responsibilities. When problems occur, the team responds. Team members hold each other accountable for team results and team agreements.
Goals and Strategies- The team has clear, challenging targets and strategies to achieve them. The goals of the team are not defeated easily; they are strong.
Alignment- The team values cooperation, coherence, and interdependence. The team has a common mission and purpose.
A team bond spreads the way for collaborative success by providing clarity that builds trust and accountability.
With a team bond in place, you’ll be able to unlock the potential value of your people by empowering them to contribute. In the long run, teams with a clear purpose and good chemistry drive business results. Job satisfaction goes up, employees stay engaged in their work and everybody wins.
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