Amazon bestseller in USA, UK, Germany, Brazil, And Australia

Product First is a comprehensive guide that details a transformative three-day workshop on building a great digital product organization. You'll gain a wealth of tools to enhance your leadership skills and steer your company towards achieving unicorn status.

Product First

A paradigm shift towards a product-led organization.

Unleash the full potential of your leadership and drive your organization toward unicorn status with groundbreaking innovation and rapid value creation with our bestselling book, 'Product First.'

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Embrace a pioneering approach that distinguishes your leadership style, empowering you to guide your team with a visionary outlook that not only sets you apart but propels your organization toward unicorn status with unprecedented innovation and value generation.

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Key Benefits of Product First For Founders


To reach unicorn status, scalability is essential. This involves designing systems and processes that can handle increased demand without compromising performance. By leveraging automation, optimizing infrastructure, and ensuring robust operational frameworks, companies can efficiently manage growth. Scalable solutions allow businesses to expand rapidly, meet market demands, and achieve a billion-dollar valuation without significant bottlenecks or disruptions.

Product strategy and business model development

To reach unicorn status, developing a robust product strategy and business model is crucial. This involves designing a winning product strategy, continuously evolving it based on market feedback, and creating viable business models through iterative experimentation. By understanding customer needs, testing ideas rapidly, and aligning product offerings with market demands, companies can ensure sustained growth and profitability, paving the way to a billion-dollar valuation.

Product development framework

To reach unicorn status, reducing time to market and aligning better with customer needs are crucial. This involves streamlining development processes, adopting agile methodologies, and using customer feedback to guide product development. By quickly delivering products that meet customer demands, companies can stay ahead of competitors, satisfy market needs promptly, and drive significant growth toward a billion-dollar valuation.

Product discovery process

To reach unicorn status, a strong product discovery process is essential. This involves systematically researching and validating ideas, understanding customer needs, and iterating on feedback. By employing techniques like customer interviews, market analysis, and prototyping, companies can ensure they develop products that truly resonate with users. A robust product discovery process helps in creating valuable, market-fit products, driving growth and paving the way to a billion-dollar valuation.

Improved agility and flexibility in operations

To reach unicorn status, improving agility and flexibility in operations is key. Adopting agile methodologies like Scrum, fostering a culture of continuous improvement, and encouraging cross-functional collaboration enable quick responses to market changes and customer feedback. This reduces time-to-market, adapts swiftly to customer needs, and maintains a competitive edge, driving substantial growth toward a billion-dollar valuation.

Seamless Integration between strategy and daily deliveries

To reach unicorn status, seamless integration between strategy and daily deliveries is essential. This involves aligning long-term goals with everyday operations, ensuring that strategic objectives are reflected in the team's daily tasks. By implementing clear communication channels, robust project management tools, and regular progress reviews, companies can maintain focus and coherence. This alignment enhances productivity, accelerates growth, and ensures that the organization consistently moves toward its billion-dollar valuation goal.

Continuous lead generation for scalability

To reach unicorn status, continuous lead generation for scalability is crucial. This involves creating a steady flow of qualified leads through diverse marketing channels and strategies. By leveraging content marketing, SEO, social media, and targeted advertising, companies can attract and capture potential customers consistently. Maintaining this pipeline ensures sustained growth, enabling the organization to scale efficiently and achieve a billion-dollar valuation.

What Will You Learn With This Book

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Our Readers

What Readers Are Saying

Luis's book 'Product First' was really insightful on showing how to "ADAPT" and transform toward product-centric mindset in this digital era!
Moath Mousa
CTO, The Middle Frame
A game-changer for product leaders! 'Product First' offers practical insights and a compelling story. Highly recommended! 🚀
Gerard Chiva
CEO, AKTIA Solutions
'Product First' unveils the secrets to delivering value-driven products. A fantastic resource for anyone in the product management space! 💡
Fernanda Vasconcelos
CEO, Nolita
What a great journey. The book explains stepby step how to transform your business and maximise product value creation in this digitalera through innovation, agility and organisational transformation.
José Pedro Pinto
CEO, Arval
Product First has managed to summarise twenty years of my own professional experience of doubt and certainty into one amazingly interesting story that will help any executive navigate an ever-faster digital business world.
CEO, Queenslab
Marcus Nordquist
CEO, Queenslab

Author - Luis Gonçalves

Luis Gonçalves is a renowned author, entrepreneur and management consultant, known for his expertise in organizational development and leadership.

He is the author of the bestselling books Organizational Mastery, ADAPT, and Product First which have helped countless organizations improve their digital product delivery capabilities and achieve their goals.

With over 20 years of experience in the field, Luis is considered an authority on organizational design and agility. He is a frequent speaker at industry conferences and events.

He is passionate about helping leaders of digital product organizations reach their full potential and has a proven track record of success.
