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Which companies use OKR? Take A Look At These Successful Companies

One of the most important skills that a modern leader can possess is the ability to align their entire workforce to the big vision of the company, that's why talking about which companies use OKR is very important!

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When Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) is mentioned, the name Google may first come to mind because they are one of the pioneering companies that adopted the methodology. There are many other companies that have adopted it.

This article will give brief details about which companies use OKR as a goal-setting framework. Only seven of them including Google are explained here.

  1. Google

John Doerr introduced the methodology (which originated from Intel) to Google in 1999. Since then, OKRs has become a major component of the company’s success. Other companies have also credited their huge successes partly to OKRs. Read further.


To know more how Google uses OKRs, check the article OKR at Google.

  1. Amazon

Despite the progress of competitors like Walmart and others, Amazon continues to be the biggest electronic commerce and cloud computing business in the world today.

The company is clear on its goals which are to make buying and selling fast, cheap and easy.

As a big company, Amazon relies heavily on OKRs to ensure that their employees are working in line with the company’s goals.

OKRs is a solution to possible incidences of miscommunication, mismatched expectations and confusion that may arise.

  1. Adobe

Adobe System Incorporated is an American multinational computer software company which specialises in creating multimedia and creativity software products such as Acrobat Reader, Portable Document Format (PDF) and the Creative Suite/Photoshop.

Adobe’s success in people management is the implementation of OKRs and its principles. Employee feedback is deemed important in this company.

In the past, the company used to implement a system called “rank and yank” wherein managers had to identify their least productive team members through annual evaluation.

This was a tedious task and involved lots of paperwork and dreaded discussions. The system caused so much resentment and conflicts. The company lost some of their employees to a competitor.

  1. LinkedIn

LinkedIn is perhaps the biggest social networking platform for businesses and professionals. According to the CEO of LinkedIn, the company utilises OKRs to create urgency. This means focusing on what is more important at the present situation (or quarter).

Weiner also uses the goal-setting framework to run efficient and effective meetings in which they focus on the status of everybody’s objectives.

  1. Microsoft

Bill Gates recommends OKRs for anyone who wants to become a better manager. He claims that it has a big influence on his own management style.

OKRs has helped Microsoft to operate more efficiently and attain better results.

  1. Twitter

Created in 2006, this social networking platform has rapidly gained popularity in the world. For Twitter, OKRs aren’t just used to measure progress.

They are used as a medium of communication that allows everyone to see and understand what everybody else is working on.

In Twitter, it is important for employees to look at the OKRs of their colleagues and talk to them in order to foster cooperation.

  1. Zynga

Zynga is an American social game development company established in 2007. The company’s CEO, Mark Pincus, adjusted their OKR system in such a way that they adopted a weekly approach to it.

He called the OKRs of his employees “individual roadmaps” and checks them every Friday to see their performance. He has stated that the system is a great way to stay on track and keep employees focused.

Introducing Objectives and Key Results to Your Team

OKRs is a management framework that involves the setting of clear, measurable goals. The goals are measured through specific, time-boxed KRs.

The sub-headings talking about which companies use OKR have proven that the framework can boost team performance, growth and success in various ways.

The system fosters cooperation through two-way communication and receiving feedback from employees. Everyone focuses on what matters and a culture of accountability is maintained.

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